Being Brave

In our home I have a curious child.

One who likes to take things apart and see how things work.

She needs to understand the Why  and loves order around her.

I also have a cautious child. One who loves the familiar, and who is happiest when at home .

New experiences are just a no, no  and everything must be introduced gently and over time he might join in , or simply decide it is not for him.


One thing that both children have in common, is a great big fear of washing their hair.

Something about the water on their face has been a challenge from their tiniest moments.

What I do admire about my children is their courage to try and try again. 

I notice how positive reinforcement and championing them, gives them that little bit of strength to stay still even when they would rather run .

Lalo the Brave Lion tells the story of one of those tiny moments that build self esteem.

This book is also a celebration of afro hair and includes the step by step process for wash day!

Lalo The Brave Lion is out now in English and Swedish across bookstores.


Hej Sabina!


Meet Sabina,